sending mimemail drupal with image attachment

I was looking a way to send email with attachments in drupal, to create a simple module which sends email to users with attached images.

I try to do it with drupal_mail() function. but results were no so great! so when finding alternative, I found a module called mimemail module which allow send
email attachments with less pain.

even though i sounds like pretty straight-forward task. I have dig little harder find the prefect combination.

header('Location: invoices/sample.pdf');

 $sender = '';
 $recipient = '';
 $subject = 'New order';
 $body = 'Please, see the attachment.'; //body text in HTML format
 $plaintext = TRUE; //whether to send messages in plaintext-only
 $headers = array();
   $attachments[] = array(
    'filepath' => 'sites/default/images/sample.jpg' , //you have to use relative paths.
    'filename' => 'download.jpg' , // can use any alias name here
    'filemime' => 'image/jpeg' , // mime file type
 'list' => TRUE,

mimemail($sender, $recipient, $subject, $body, $plaintext, $headers, $text = NULL, $attachments, $mailkey, $send= True);


fixing for error - postdrop: warning: unable to look up public/pickup: No such file or directory.

I installed postfix and got this error:
postdrop: warning: unable to look up public/pickup: No such file or directory.

Turns out that sendmail was previously installed and that was messing things up. I had to stop sendmail and make the appropriate directory and restart postfix.


mkfifo /var/spool/postfix/public/pickup
ps aux | grep mail
sudo /etc/init.d/postfix restart

Test emailing
#email (enter)
subject: test (enter)
test (ctrl+d)
cc: (enter)

if your receive above then email everything is fine now! :)
